Your works is gorgeous!!! Great piece. I appreciate hearing how other creatives handle the process of art-making. I agree that Judy Woods' classes are wonderful! Thank you for the links, as well. I typically do sketches if I have a specific idea to start a piece. Otherwise, I put some color down to just get me warmed up. I've also found that walking away for awhile gives my brain a chance to relax. Then when I come back to a piece, i usually have some more ideas!

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Thanks so much, Judith! I wish I could sketch. Getting color down and it's definitely helpful! Yes, walking away is key when you hit a roadblock. In writing, we do all week can and then shelve a manuscript for a week or two at a minimum. Coming back to a project with fresh eyes makes a huge difference. I see all sorts of possibilities then, what is working, what's missing. Like you, I get interesting new ideas. Thanks so much for reading and sharing! Good luck with all of your creative projects.

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Thanks so much!!!

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